Monday, December 24, 2007


As those who have been reading this blog know, I have previously endorsed Ron Paul. I watched him this week on Face the Nation and was appalled by some of his attitudes. While I believe strongly in the need to limit the Federal Government and return authority over abortion, et al, to the States, as well as the need to end the IRS, I believe some of Dr. Pauls expressions went beyond the pale, and I need to withdraw my previous endorsement.

While I believe the Constitution has been kidnapped and ignored resulting in States and citizens losing rights to the Federal Government. IF such a condition is to be the status quo, we must nake sure we have a government who is liberal towards it's citizens!

I am appalled by Geoge Bush vetoing health care for Children! And this from a man who identifies himself as a Christian .... shameful .... I guess he never heard of "in that you do it for the least of these you do it unto me."

On a forum I am a part of I have been "chastised" for being a socialist. I wrote this:

As a Christian I feel it my reponsibility, as much as possible, to have an effect on those areas over which I have influence. I see Christ saying such "socialist" things as, "if they ask for your coat give them your cloak also", "in that you have done it unto the least of them, you have done it unto me" (I wonder if the "least" included dead beats?"), "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

As a citizen it is my opinion that is is my responsibility to see that my government behaves in a Christian way. (That belief extends beyond abortion, and prayer in schools.) It seems to me that many want "Christian Standards" as long as it doesn't cost them anything!

It is easy to pontifocate over stem cell research, but harder to pay taxes to help children eat or receive health care.Oh we can turn red in the face about the value of the unborn, BUT after they are born, it is "so what if they are hungry .... their parents are just low life."

This to me is the very antithesis of Christianity. The type of Christianity taught by Christ.

Yes I am in favor of the free market system. BUT every free market operates under the restraints placed upon it. Profit levels are obscene and I do not consider it unreasonable for those corporations to pay to help the neediest of society.

Since it seems unlikely that hearts motivated by greed will ever willingly open their gold bags for the benefit of others, I as a Christian must try to influence my govenment to open them.

There should be a book written about it ... oh there was "The Christmas Story!" Charles Dickens that old socialist!!

I am sure glad God didn't determine the value of the recipients before He gave!

It never ceases to amaze me how "filthy rags", judge, condemn, and determine the value of people. I visit daily people without health insurance, and suffer as its result. I long for a moral conservative and a social liberal! BUT given the choice I will support those who care for people over those who care about corporations.

We in Ohio have a former Missionary as Governor. Oooops he's a Democrat, but he cares ... a true exhibition of Christ!!

One thing Ron Paul said Sunday which is very true is that we are awfully close to fascism at the present time. John Edwards for one is really addresing this and I appreciate it. When Sen. McCain refused to sign on to the Bush "tax cut" which benefited the wealthiest, he was attacked for being against tax cuts. How disingenuous.

If you are reading this ... please, please, consider carefully who you support.

I just got off the phone wishing Christmas greetings with an Uncle who is a renowned Physician, and a great Christian. He voiced support for either Hillary or Edwards. I have long appreciated Edwards positions, and need to look objectivly at Hillary.

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